Modifying Print Invoices and Packing Lists Template in Woocommerce

Modifying “Print Invoices & Packing Lists” WooCommerce add-on to remove unwanted columns.  This will remove the sku column from the invoice, and the weights column from the packing list.  The weight column was the primary reason for this code, and makes it simple to eliminate unwanted information.

* Filter the document table headers and row cells to remove column headers
* @param array $table_headers Table column headers
* @param int $order_id WC_Order id
* @param string $document_type WC_PIP_Document type
* @return array The updated table column headers
function sv_wc_pip_document_table_headers_remove_columns( $table_headers, $order_id, $type ) {

// remove SKU columns on invoices
if ( 'invoice' === $type && isset( $table_headers['sku'] ) ) {
unset( $table_headers['sku'] );

// remove weight column from packing and pick lists
elseif ( ( 'packing-list' === $type || 'pick-list' === $type ) && isset( $table_headers['weight'] ) ) {
unset( $table_headers['weight'] );

return $table_headers;
add_filter( 'wc_pip_document_table_headers', 'sv_wc_pip_document_table_headers_remove_columns', 10, 3 );

* Filter the document table row cells to remove column data
* @param string $table_row_cells The table row cells.
* @param string $type WC_PIP_Document type
* @param string $item_id Item id
* @param array $item Item data
* @param \WC_Product $product Product object
* @param \WC_Order $order Order object
* @return array The filtered table row cells.
function sv_wc_pip_document_table_row_cells_remove_columns( $table_row_cells, $type, $item_id, $item, $product, $order ) {

// remove SKU columns on invoices
if ( 'invoice' === $type && isset( $table_row_cells['sku'] ) ) {
unset( $table_row_cells['sku'] );

// remove weight column from packing and pick lists
elseif ( ( 'packing-list' === $type || 'pick-list' === $type ) && isset( $table_row_cells['weight'] ) ) {
unset( $table_row_cells['weight'] );

return $table_row_cells;
add_filter( 'wc_pip_document_table_row_cells', 'sv_wc_pip_document_table_row_cells_remove_columns', 10, 6 );

* Filter the footer rows to remove data for packing lists
* @param array $rows footer rows and cells
* @param string $document_type the type of document being generated
* @return array - the updated footer rows and cells
function sv_wc_pip_document_table_footer_modification( $rows, $document_type ) {

if ( 'packing-list' !== $document_type ) {
return $rows;

if ( isset( $rows['totals']['total-weight'] ) ) {
unset( $rows['totals']['total-weight'] );

return $rows;
add_filter( 'wc_pip_document_table_footer', 'sv_wc_pip_document_table_footer_modification', 10, 2 );


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